13. Thank you

 Though our journey is far from over. We still have a long way to go and we are unsure what the future will hold in terms of long term effects, we are grateful and thankful to so many people.

My Mam, Susan and Dad, Jeff you both brought me up to be strong and my goodness I needed strength. You taught me to have a sense of humor and i definitely cracked some jokes throughout, not all appropriate but all lightened the mood.

Thank you for looking after Joshua and making sure he still had a "normal" life  he loved his holiday at your house. 

Thank you for being there when I needed you the most. I am proud to be your daughter.

My sister, Katherine. Well I am not even sure where to start? You saw alot. You saw more than most. You stayed stayed me and Freddie when you didn't need to and you saved him and me more than you will ever know. 

I hope some of the horror will be distant memories soon and they don't give you nightmares and sleepless nights. He is home now and he is safe and a lot of that is because of you. I owe you the world because you helped save mine. 

I hope in a few years we can look back and laugh at the demon child we saw and we can remind Fred when he is 18 and show all his future girlfriends just what they are getting themselves in for if he ever is on steroids and Ket again! 

Ashley, my sister. Thank you for having Alfie for his first over night stay. It broke me. But knowing he was with you. I knew he would be fine. He told me he loved it. 

Kayleigh and Karen. Thank you for trying to keep my sanity. Coming in and checking on us. Coming for walks. Taking Alfie so we could focus on Fred just a little longer. Letting me rant. I did some ranting. 

Mam, Grandma, Karen and Julie thank you for seeing cleaning my house. It was so thoughtful. Jeff for cutting my grass. Now if you could continue that would be great. 

Martin, Kayleigh, Dean and Jeff for taking Joshua to football and his other sports. He I am sure is forever grateful.

Grandma thank you for all our washing. I know how much you wanted to come and see Fred and how much you wanted to help, but I am glad at times I kept you away. Keep making sticky toffee puddings and he will be fine 😀

Crawford house which is funded by The Sick Children's Trust - giving us a room so close to Freddie is something I will always remember and will continue to fundraise to help future families.

Dean - thank you for remembering to feed us. Thank you for still being a Dad to Joshua while I was unable to be Mam. Thank you for your nights with Freddie, he needed you. 

Thank you to all the messages of support, they really are appreciated.

Finally, the nurses. You were on the whole amazing. 

Lucy from Ward 2 - she was incredible. She had a taught few nights and she was a rock.

Rosie from ICU - one of the best nurses we could have asked for. She did everything for Fred. She didn't rest. She saw some shit and still kept strong for us. The RVI are lucky to have you. 

Vanya from ICU - your brought the laughs on the night shifts.

I could write and write a lengthy lists of thankyous and I am sure it will keep growing as we continue our journey, but thank you each and every one of you that held us in your thoughts. We felt the love and support. Freddie felt it.

He is starting to smile. 


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