1. The unknown beginning

 25th May - 30th May

This is when I noticed Freddie had a temperature after coming home from school and falling asleep in his school uniform.

I didn't think much of it at the time. Kids get temperatures. They have calpol. They are fine. 

Freddie had calpol. He was fine. He went to school the next day. 

Each day he then had a temperature that seemed to be fine once he had calpol. He was fine in himself. 

29th May 

Fred continued to have an on and off temperature and now started with a cough. Hay-fever season. Maybe he has hay fever? 

Both his brothers have just had a chest infection. Maybe he has one too? 

31st May

I took Freddie to the Doctors after being unable to keep his temperature down with calpol and to check his cough, which didn't sound good.

He also complained he needed to wee alot but couldn't- so they ruled out a water infection. 

Freddie is a funny character - he skipped into the doctors as if he was absolutely fine and shock horror. They said he was absolutely fine after doing all his obs. 

His urine came back all clear. No infection. They listened to his chest. Fine.

(Pictures are of Freddie during the week) 


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