11. Ward 11


Sunday 18th June

We arrived at Ward 11 at about 6.30pm. Ward 11 is a burns ward. The lead sister was lovely. Very friendly.
That night Freddie didn't really sleep. The nurse was in and out all night giving him his medication. Doing his obs. Checking his oxygen levels. 

He was shattered. He needed rest. 

  Monday 19th June

Freddie was shattered. He only managed a 40 minute nap today. Again with everyone coming in and seeing him. The door was forever opening and shutting. 
He is starting to try food and drink - though his mouth is still sore, but he is trying. Progress. 

Freddie is really sad and emotional. He wants to go home. He cries for Dad if he leaves. He cries for me if I leave. He said he just wants all his family here. 

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I think his eyes look haunted. Can he remember the trauma he has been through? Is he looking at me knowing I was there with him. Holding him while they put needles in him? Can he remember pleading with me, to get them to stop?

Grandad brought Joshua in to see Freddie tonight. Not a good idea. Freddie was in pain when they arrived. He was crying. He got cramp but was screaming. Joshua looked scared. They didn't stay long.

He was being sick with all the medicine and nasal feeds he was getting. 

Tuesday 20th June

Freddie slept better. He fell asleep at 12.36am and woke at 3.25am as he had antibiotics. Then he slept until 7.19am. 

He has started drinking banana milkshake - downed a carton. Good sign. 

Though he was then sick at 7.49am. 

Aunty Katherine and Grandad Jeff came in and they watched Buzz. 

The Dr took the NG tube out to encourage him to eat and drink more food. Freddie is happy. He hated the tube. 

Joshua came back over tonight after his football. Freddie showed him the football table on the ward and managed to have a little game. Joshua and Daddy then stayed over at Crawford house. 

He struggled to get to sleep as he was upset that Daddy and Joshua were not there and he couldn't stop coughing. 
He was sick and drooling is never ending. 

Wednesday 21st June

Freddie slept okay. 
He is now complaining it hurts when he is weeing. Not ideal. 

They weighed him today - 13.45kg. Skin and bones. 

Though he is starting to eat more so hopefully he will put weight on quickly. 

Freddie isn't really talking - he cannot walk. It is like a guessing game of what he wants. 

He had another wee before bed - it hurt. Manged to get a urine sample to check for UTI. 

Thursday 22nd June

Freddie slept well. 
His lips look terrible. Blood everywhere. Drooling loads. 

Dr has said we can go home today. Seems a bit surreal. 

No UTI just been given steriod cream to help with his willy. Praying it works quickly. 

2pm We are being discharged. 


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