12. Home time

 Thursday 22nd June

2pm we were discharged from hospital. Follow up appointments been sent out in the post. 

We went over to Crawford house to pack the car up. 

Freddie lay on the leather sofa looking so weak and frail but happy to be going home. Hopefully there will be no more tears of sadness. 

Friday 23rd - Monday 27th June 

Life has been hard. Freddie's needs are hard. He doesn't talk. He is weak and cannot really walk. He needs to be fed without anything touching his lips. 

He is again saying it hurts when he is weeing. I am praying this is short lived and isn't an on going long term problem. 

His mouth and lips are horrific - they keep peeling and bleeding. I don't know how to help. Every hour or so I am putting vasoline or Lanolin on his lips to stop them from drying out. 

He is in pain and I cannot help him or take it away. 
Praying that it gets easier soon. 

Tuesday 28th June 

Today is a good day. Freddie is more Freddie. 
His lips look better - still sore but better. 
He is talking more. Asking to play with his toys. I finally hear him laugh like Freddie. 
He is eating like a champ!

He is still complaining his willy is hurting but is still able to go for a wee - hoping this eases up soon otherwise it will be another Dr's trip. 


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