6. Day 1 in hospital

 6th June 

So we stayed at the hospital last night. We were moved onto ward 2 just after midnight.

His oxygen was about 94 all night. 

His temperature kept soaring and needed medicine to try and get it down. 

He was put on IV fluids in the night.

He did ask for coco pops for breakfast but only managed a mouthful. His mouth is hurting. 

Freddie was asking to go home a fair bit. 

His poor lips had ballooned and started to blister... Still managing to drink apple juice which the nurse was impressed with. 

He kept saying his lips felt funny and started drooling. 

His eyes were itching and he started to rub them again. 

8am - his cannula went. He needs a new one. 

I returned about 9am after collecting a buzz lightyear sword he wanted as a treat. Little did I know he wouldn't have the energy to be interested in it. He slept a lot. In and out of sleep most of the day. When he did wake, it was abrupt. He would jump up shouting he needed a drink or he needed a wee, then would lay back down.

11.30am cannula in after a battle with me and 2 nurses. But we got it in. The nurse saying he is a very sick little boy. Hurts. That's my baby. Why is he so sick?

An eye doctor came to check his eyes. Freddie didn't like the light. So I was asked to put drops in his eyes, whilst his temperature was over 40 and he was struggling to open his eyes. I had to take him into the bathroom where it was dark for him to let me. He is such a good lad. Even in pain he still tries his hardest.

They prescribed drops for his eyes. 
Creams for his skin and lips. 
Topped up with pain relief and piriton to help with the itching. 


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