3. The 2nd hospital trip

 4th June 

Sunday morning. We are still on our little holiday. 

Freddie slept fine. Though he woke up with a temperature and he didn't like the light. So I kept the curtains closed. 

He has missed swimming the previous day as we were in hospital so we had booked in for 9am. 

He didn't want to go, then he changed his mind. He went but just stayed in the hot pool. 

After swimming we went back to the caravan to pack. This is when things started getting worse. 

He started complaining his eye was itchy and he had something in it. I tried giving him wet paper towels to cool them down. He was agitated. 

We drove home. Freddie fell asleep while holding a paper towel on his eye.

We got home. He lay on the sofa. I asked my Mam to come and look at home. She is an advanced paediatric nurse. She said we needed to take him into hospital again. 

She thought he had Kawasaki.

We took him in at about 5ish. They did his obs. They did a chest xray. They found he had a chest infection. A nasty one. On the right side.

So started him on some antibiotics. They didn't mention the eyes and the length of the temperature. 

They did say if he gets worse. Bring him in ASAP! 

Pictures of Freddie on his 2nd hospital trip. His eyes hurting but still trying to smile. 


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