4. The 3rd hospital trip

 5th June 

After being discharged the day before. We thought Freddie would be on the mend. How wrong we were. 

The evening of the 4th June he hardly slept. He screamed. A lot. His eyes were itchy. He was coughing. He was in pain. 

In the morning I had noticed his eyes had became swollen and so had his lips. He was boiling hot. Again.  

We took him back to the hospital. 12 hours after leaving the previous night. 

This is Freddie in Alfie's pram. This is what he was like when the Doctor looked at him and said he was fine. 

Now. This hospital trip pissed me off. We arrived with him still in his pj's. He was asleep in his baby brothers pram. 

The Dr didn't re do his obs. If he had. He would have noticed his temperature of 40 degrees. 

He said he looked fine. He was asleep in his baby brothers pram.

He pulled down his lip as he slept and asked when the blisters had started. There were no blisters on arrival. 
They had just started. Surely. Alarm bells. No? 

He said he thought it might be an allergy to the antibiotics. But it probably wasn't. It was probably a reaction to the bacteria on the chest infection. 

He said he was getting his consultant to come and check. They never came. They never checked him over. They didn't didn't to care that we had been in less than 12 hours before. 

They changed his antibiotics. That's it. 

When he woke when we were waiting for the antibiotics, they didn't even think to check him over. They sent us home. 

Below is Freddie in the hospital - he had woke up. How the Dr didn't think about checking him properly in beyond me?!?


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